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Nidder Forum Nidderau

Nidder Forum shopping center

New Center for Nidderau

The town of Nidderau in the north-east of Frankfurt am Main is a union of several smaller towns without an identity-forming centre. With the Nidder Forum on Konrad-Adenauer-Allee between the towns of Windecken and Heldenbergen, this urban development deficit has been finally remedied. In terms of urban development, the new centre of Nidderau is divided into two sub-areas, with a new town square and residential areas on the one hand and a new shopping centre and public areas on the other. An essential part of the new centre is the Nidder Forum with its diverse retail uses on 22 rental areas, which are arranged around a large, flexible parking area with around 290 parking spaces.

Around 80% of the space had already been rented out by the time the groundbreaking ceremony took place. The largest tenants are a REWE fresh market, dm drugstore, AWG fashion and K+K shoes, as well as the cultural center of the city of Nidderau. The mix of industries is complemented by other providers from the retail, service and catering sectors.

Sky Lounge with a panoramic view

Based on a design by the Düsseldorf-based firm RKW Architektur + Städtebau, a bright, friendly and transparent architecture was built, which is characterized by a loose arrangement of white plaster surfaces and Trespa with a wood look. A special highlight of the Nidder Forum is the so-called "Sky Lounge", which - reminiscent of a wing - represents a structural high point at the transition between Konrad-Adenauer-Allee and Stadtplatz. Here there is a restaurant with an outdoor terrace, which offers a spectacular view of the green Nidder meadows and, in good weather, of the Frankfurt skyline.

Construction of the Nidder Forum began in April 2015 and it opened in June 2016.

360° tour
